leetcode write up for 31-60 problems

31Next Permutation
所以再来一个for循环找到刚好比 i-1 这个数大一点的来置换这个数。
nums[i:][::-1] 是将i到后面的都反序。
class Solution(object):
    def nextPermutation(self, nums):
        i = len(nums)-1
        while i > 0:
            if nums[i] > nums[i-1]:
                for j in xrange(len(nums)-1, 0, -1):
                    if nums[j] > nums[i-1]:
                        nums[j], nums[i-1] = nums[i-1], nums[j]
            i -= 1
        nums[i:] = nums[i:][::-1]

32Longest Valid Parentheses
使用dp算法, 从第二个数开始循环,如果第二个是' ) ',则看前一个是不是'('。如果是,就把前两个数存的结果加2,如果前两个数有值,则代表连续的,如果是0,也没有关系,相当于是重新开始的。
而对于(())这种情况,当循环的值是’)’ 的时候,我们去查看前面有没有对应的'('   —>elif i-dp[i-1]-1 >= 0 and s[i-dp[i-1]-1] == '(:   ' s[i-dp[i-1]-1] 是根据dp[i-1]来找到最近的’(', 并且必须确定这对parentheses之间一定有值的—>if dp[i-1] > 0:,才能保证他们是连续的。dp[i-dp[i-1]-2]代表刚刚找到的('前面连续的最大的个数,所以当前的值是dp[i-1] + 2 + dp[i-dp[i-1]-2] , 前一个的保持的结果dp[i-1] ,加当前2,加刚刚被处理的(’ 前面的最大的个数。
class Solution(object):
    def longestValidParentheses(self, s):
         # use 1D DP
        # dp[i] records the longestValidParenthese EXACTLY ENDING at s[i]
        dp = [0 for x in xrange(len(s))]
        max_to_now = 0
        for i in xrange(1,len(s)):
            if s[i] == ')':
                # case 1: ()()
                if s[i-1] == '(':
                    # add nearest parentheses pairs + 2
                    dp[i] = dp[i-2] + 2
                # case 2: (())
                # i-dp[i-1]-1 is the index of last "(" not paired until this ")"
                elif i-dp[i-1]-1 >= 0 and s[i-dp[i-1]-1] == '(':
                    if dp[i-1] > 0: # content within current matching pair is valid
                    # add nearest parentheses pairs + 2 + parentheses before last "("
                        dp[i] = dp[i-1] + 2 + dp[i-dp[i-1]-2]
                    # otherwise is 0
                        dp[i] = 0
                max_to_now = max(max_to_now, dp[i])
        return max_to_now

33Search in Rotated Sorted Array
class Solution(object):
    def search(self, nums, target):
        for i in range(L):
            if nums[i] == target:
                return i
        return -1

34Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array
二分法,最大的那个和最小的那个分两个函数分别 查找。
class Solution(object):
    def searchRange(self, nums, target):
        if nums==[]:
            return [-1,-1]
        def searchLeft(A,x):
            left, right = 0, len(nums)-1
            while right-left>1:
                mid =  (left + right) >>1
                if x <= A[mid]: right = mid
                if x > A[mid]: left = mid                       
            if A[left] != x and A[right] ==x:
                return right
            if left==0 and A[left]==x:
                return left
            else: return -1
        def searchRight(A,x):           
            left, right = 0, len(nums)-1
            while right-left>1:
                mid =  (left + right) >>1
                if x < A[mid]: right = mid
                if x >= A[mid]: left = mid
            if A[left] == x and A[right] !=x:
                return left
            if right == len(nums)-1 and A[right]==x:
                return right
            else: return -1
        right = searchRight(nums,target)
        left =  searchLeft(nums,target)
        return (left, right) if left <= right else [-1, -1]

36Valid Sudoku
class Solution(object):
    def isValidSudoku(self, board):
        total = []
        for i, row in enumerate(board):
            for j, c in enumerate(row):
                if c!='.':
                    total += [(i,c),(c,j),(i/3,j/3,c)]
        return len(total)==len(set(total))

38Count and Say
class Solution:
    def countAndSay(self, n) :
        output = '1'
        for i in range(2, n+1):
            curr = output[0]
            count = 1
            res = ''
            for x in output[1:]:
                if x == curr:
                    count +=1
                    res += str(count)+ curr
                    count = 1
                    curr = x
            res += str(count) + curr
            output = ''.join(res)
        return output

39Combination Sum
class Solution(object):
    def combinationSum(self, candidates, target):
        res = []
        return res
    def dfs(self, nums, target, index, path, res):
        if target == 0:
        for i in xrange(index,len(nums)):
            if nums[i]>target:

40Combination Sum II
class Solution(object):
    def combinationSum2(self, candidates, target):
        res = []
        self.dsf(candidates,target, 0 , [], res)
        return res
    def dsf(self,nums, target, index, path, res):
        if target == 0 and path not in res:
        for i in xrange(index, len(nums)):
            if target < nums[i]:

41First Missing Positive
class Solution(object):
    def firstMissingPositive(self, nums):
        dic = {}
        res = 1
        for v in nums:
            if v >0:
                dic[v] = 1
        while res in dic.keys():res+=1               
        return res

42. Trapping Rain Water

每个unit都单独计算trap水的数量,我们需要找到该unit它 max(左边),
max(右边) 里面最小的。于是我们用这个第二大的值减去当前unit,
则能得到该unit trap的water数量。由于每次都要计算该unit左右的最大值,
for i in range(1,n):
            leftMAX[i] = max(leftMAX[i-1], height[I])
 for i in range(n-2,-1,-1):
            rightMAX[i] = max(rightMAX[i+1],height[i])    

class Solution(object):
    def trap(self, height):
        res = 0
        n = len(height)
        rightMAX = [height[n-1] for _ in range(n)]
        leftMAX = [height[0] for _ in range(n)]
        for i in range(1,n):
            leftMAX[i] = max(leftMAX[i-1], height[i])

        for i in range(n-2,-1,-1):
            rightMAX[i] = max(rightMAX[i+1],height[i])    
        for i in range(n):
            t = min(leftMAX[i],rightMAX[i])
            res += t - height[i]
        return res

43Multiply Strings

class Solution(object):
    def multiply(self, num1, num2):
        res = 0
        for k1,v1 in enumerate(num1):
            tmp = 0
            for k2,v2 in enumerate(num2):
                tmp = tmp *10 + int(v1) * int(v2)
            res += 10 ** (len(num1) - k1 -1) * tmp
        return str(res)


class Solution(object):
    def permute(self, nums):
        a = itertools.permutations(nums, len(nums))
        return list(a)

47Permutations II

class Solution(object):
    def permuteUnique(self, nums):
        a = itertools.permutations(nums, len(nums))
        return set(list(a))

48Rotate Image
Zip() 将多个数组对应的元素组合起来。
 name = [ "Manjeet", "Nikhil", "Shambhavi", "Astha" ]
roll_no = [ 4, 1, 3, 2 ]
marks = [ 40, 50, 60, 70 ]
mapped = zip(name, roll_no, marks)
The zipped result is : [('Manjeet', 4, 40), ('Nikhil', 1, 50),
('Shambhavi', 3, 60), ('Astha', 2, 70)]

def addition(n):
    return n + n
numbers = (1, 2, 3, 4)
result = map(addition, numbers)

所以我们先取matrix的倒序*matrix[::-1],然后对它们进行zip转换,变成tuple[(7, 4, 1), (8, 5, 2), (9, 6, 3)],此时我们将tuple转换成list即可,所以我们用map(list,aug)来完成。

class Solution(object):
    def rotate(self, matrix):
        matrix[:] = map(list,zip(*matrix[::-1]))

49Group Anagrams
dic.get(key,[]) 的作用是:当从dic中获取key不存在时不会报错,
class Solution(object):
    def groupAnagrams(self, strs):
        dic = {}
        for i in strs:
            key = tuple(sorted(i))
            dic[key] = dic.get(key,[]) + [i]
        return list(dic.values())

50Pow(x, n)
class Solution(object):
    def myPow(self, x, n):
        ans = 1
        m = -n if n < 0 else n 
        while m: 
            if m & 1 :
                ans *= x
            x *=x
            m >>= 1
        return ans if n >= 0 else 1/ans

53. Maximum Subarray

class Solution(object):
    def maxSubArray(self, nums):
        if not nums:
            return 0
        cur_sum = max_sum = nums[0]
        for num in nums[1:]:
            cur_sum = max(num, num+cur_sum)
            max_sum = max(max_sum, cur_sum)
        return max_sum

54Spiral Matrix
 Self的递归要用return,matrix and的作用是当matrix 有值的时候才继续递归。
class Solution(object):
    def spiralOrder(self, matrix):
        return matrix and list(matrix.pop(0)) + self.spiralOrder(zip(*matrix)[::-1])

55Jump Game
class Solution:
    def canJump(self, nums):
        last = len(nums) -1
        for i in range(len(nums)-2,-1,-1):
            if i + nums[i] >= last:
                last = i
        return last == 0

56Merge Intervals

class Solution(object):
    def merge(self, intervals):
        if len(intervals) == 0: return []
        intervals = sorted(intervals)
        res = [intervals[0]]
        for n in intervals[1:]:
            if n[0] <= res[-1][1]: res[-1][1] = max(n[1], res[-1][1])
            else: res.append(n)
        return res

57Insert Interval
class Solution(object):
    def insert(self, intervals, newInterval):
        intervals = sorted(intervals)
        res = [intervals[0]]
        for n in intervals[1:]:
            if n[0] <= res[-1][1]: res[-1][1]= max(n[1],res[-1][1])
            else: res.append(n)
        return res

59Spiral Matrix II
从里面往外旋转,把每次要加的数据加入到数组里面. Lo- len(A) 代表当有n维完成后开始n+1维。
class Solution(object):
    def generateMatrix(self, n):
        A, lo = [], n*n+1
        while lo > 1:
            lo, hi = lo - len(A), lo
            A = [range(lo, hi)] + zip(*A[::-1])
        return A

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