hping3 -- SYN flood attack
Step 1: use reconnaissance to find victim. I use zenmap to find the victim, it's my boyfriend. 😆.
24 means find all the subnet in the segment.
This is equal to the command: nmap -T4 -A -v
I found there are two apple machines, one is his, the other is mine.
His IP is
Step 2: do SYN flood attack with hping3
We’re sending 15000 packets (-c 15000) at a size of 120 bytes (-d 120) each. We’re specifying that the SYN Flag (-S) should be enabled, with a TCP window size of 64 (-w 64). To direct the attack to our victum’s HTTP web server we specify port 80 (-p 80) and use the --flood flag to send packets as fast as possible. As you’d expect, the --rand-source flag generates spoofed IP addresses to disguise the real source and avoid detection but at the same time stop the victim’s SYN-ACK reply packets from reaching the attacker.
Step 3: check the result
He is going to kill me.😈